Erica Kesse
Business development centers (BDCs) should consider introducing counseling skills to entrepreneurs because entrepreneurs often face challenges that can be difficult to overcome on their own. These challenges can include:
Honey, You Need Counseling Skills: Heal Yourself, Ignite the Leader, Grow your Business by Erica Kess, LPC is a book that can help entrepreneurs deal with these challenges. The book provides entrepreneurs with counseling skills that can help them manage stress, build a support network, learn from mistakes, and more.
The 5 imperative counseling skills of vision casting, mission creation, communication skills, time management, and thrive planning are all essential for entrepreneurs. Vision casting is the ability to create a clear and compelling vision for the future. Mission creation is the process of defining the purpose of an organization. Communication skills are essential for entrepreneurs who need to be able to communicate effectively with employees, customers, and investors. Time management is essential for entrepreneurs who need to be able to manage their time effectively in order to get things done. Thrive planning is essential for entrepreneurs who need to be able to plan for the future and ensure that their business is successful.
Other counseling skills that would benefit entrepreneurs include:
By developing these counseling skills, entrepreneurs can be more successful in their businesses.